Dry January

One of the reasons we're an intentionally alcohol free restaurant stems from the realities of the pressure around alcohol consumption in social settings and within the hospitality industry. At C'est Tout, there's no need to explain to your friends why you don’t want to have “just one!!” or having to figure out who is going to be the designated driver, plus there are plenty of local spots that do have a great selection of alcoholic beverages, it that's what you're after to accompany your evening out.

Dry January is a 31-day challenge where most participants live an alcohol free lifestyle, seeking health benefits. Here's our tips for participating in a Dry January.

1. Make January all about self-care. Add actitivites to your day-to-day that improve your wellbeing, such as walking more or taking a fitness class.

2. Plan ahead. Dine at restaurants that have alcohol free drinks, or are alcohol free spaces (like us!)

3. Create a support system and find community. Let your friends and family know what you're doing and why, and allow them to support you.


Lanark County’s First alcohol free restaurant